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20  March

Leader shuns MyWelshpool readers’ plea for tip-booking rethink

20/03/2025 @ 09:45


Despite more than 1,000 MyWelshpool readers in 24 hours pleading with Powys County Council to rethink its controversial tip-booking scheme, the Council Leader has doubled down on his view that the majority of residents are still in favour of it.

The Council is due to introduce a booking system as well as charges for certain waste to be dumped at their recycling centres across the county, including Welshpool, from April 1.

Earlier in the week, we reported that Leader, Cllr James Gibson-Watt, was adamant that the ‘silent majority’ were in favour of the new scheme, despite a similar system failing already in Shropshire.

We have never known a social media backlash like it and, despite the overwhelming negativity, the Leader has issued a statement saying that our ‘test-the-water’ poll is still not reflective of the population as a whole.

It is worth pointing out that not a single person commented in favour of the scheme in the first 24 hours of our Facebook post going up.

In a joint statement, Leader Cllr James Gibson-Watt and Cllr Jackie Charlton, Cabinet Member for a Greener Powys, said: “Although we appreciate that nearly 1,000 comments on a Facebook post is significant, it is still a small proportion of the number of page followers (15,250) and overall Powys residents. As already reported, the views of those who may be in favour of the implementation of the booking system at the council’s Household Recycling Centres are not being heard.

“It is evident that some people are not looking forward to the changes and that there is still confusion around the new arrangements circulating on social media. We are continually updating our website and the frequently asked questions to try and answer as many of the queries as possible. These can be found online here:

“Those councils using a booking system report that it works well and that residents are happy. Ten of the 22 Welsh councils and neighbouring Herefordshire Council have a booking system in place. In a recent survey by a council in North Wales, 81% of residents ranked the booking system as excellent, and 83% are in favour of keeping it in place.

“A full review of the Household Recycling Centre changes will be undertaken after the system has been in place for six-months.”

The system will launch on April 1, with the booking page opening on March 25.