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19  September

Welshpool tourist centre set to close on Sundays

16/09/2024 @ 10:33


Tourists visiting Welshpool on a Sunday in future could well find the town’s Tourist Information Centre closed.

The facility is currently going through a controversial £300,000 renovation to incorporate the Town Council headquarters and new all-inclusive toilets.

But at the latest Town Council Events and Tourism Committee meeting, it was revealed by its manager Wendy Lewis that business and footfall was slow on a Sunday, with a suggestion by Cllr Sally Fitzgerald to switch with the current closed day, Monday, so it aligns with the Town Council office opening hours.

Ms Lewis reported that “we have had a good July and we have had a good August”, especially for handbags sales and train ticket sales, but pointed out that Sundays had become the quietest day.

She explained that she had asked every member of staff individually which was the quietest day, and they all replied Sunday.

Councillors agreed that a recommendation be made to the Services Committee to review the opening hours, and their decision will be sent to full council for approval.