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14  March

High schools praise students after GCSEs

22/08/2024 @ 11:32


It’s been a nerve-wracking morning for the areas Year 11 students with dozens heading to school to pick up their GCSE results.

Whilst across the country the pass rates have dropped for a third year running, locally the head teachers have come out in praise for their efforts from learners.

Here’s what they had to say:

Jon Arnold, Welshpool High School

“Well done to all our Year 11 students on another strong set of GCSE results this year. We are extremely proud of you all!

These results reflect the enormous hard work and commitment of our students. It was a pleasure to see them collecting their results today, and to appreciate the amazing young adults they have become during their time at the school.

We are delighted that many of the students will be returning to the school to study in the Sixth Form, and we also wish all of the students that are going onto study courses elsewhere every success in the future.

We would also like to thank parents and carers whose support has enabled our students to achieve so much. This, alongside the guidance and help from staff at the school, has given the young people within our community the best possible chances to fulfil their potential and succeed in their chosen career paths. 

Everyone associated with the school would like to congratulate the students and wish them all the very best for the future.”

Dewi Owen, Ysgol Llanfyllin

“Following excellent A level results last week our wonderful students have once again achieved amazing GCSE results that give a great foundation to move onto further education or the world of work.

Students also achieved excellent qualifications in other subjects such as Personal Finance, Work Related Education and The Welsh Baccalaureate.

We are incredibly proud of their achievements and we would like to express our heartfelt thanks and congratulations to all our students, families and staff members for their hard work, dedication and professionalism.

There were some excellent performances including 34 students (28% of the year group) who achieved 5 or more A* and A grades or equivalent. There were also outstanding individual achievements with five students being awarded exclusively A* and A grades, these were:

Dylan Marsden-Mosebury – 12 A* and 1 A

Annabel Quance – 11 A* and 2 As

Charlie Owen – 10 A* and 3 As

Bethan Docherty – 8 A* and 5 As

Glesni Woodman – 7 A* and 7As

118 (97%) of our students achieved at least five A* - G grades with 79% of them achieving at least five A*- C grades or equivalent – an amazing achievement by all.

These results not only reflect the excellent effort and attitude of the students but also the hard work and diligence shown by our highly committed staff, supported and encouraged by parents and governors.

This strength in our working partnership bodes well for the future as so many of our pupils return in September to embark on Post 16 courses in the school’s outstanding Canolfan Chweched Sixth Form Centre.”