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26  June

Mayor’s concern for bridge future after £331k pavement shock

27/03/2024 @ 09:48


A well-used bridge that links Maesydre to Oldford over the canal is in serious danger of closing unless someone takes responsibility for it, Welshpool’s Mayor will warn tonight.

The bridge was the subject of urgent repairs last year when rotting wood was creating a serious health and safety hazard (pictured last June).

Neither Powys County Council nor the Canal Trust have taken responsibility for it, leading to Cllr Nick Howells relying on the good will of a local businessman to make urgent repairs.

But he has returned to inspect it, and as a retired health and safety professional, he has again waved the red flag in light of Welshpool’s new £331,000 Active Travel pavement opening on Severn Street.

He is expected to speak to his Town Council tonight when officers will provide an update on the state of the bridge, which is close to Morrisons, and councillors are in for a shock.

He responded online to our story about the new wide pavements, which have been hugely criticised by residents as a waste of money, by posting: “The footbridge across the canal from Oldford to the recreation ground and Ysgol Gymraeg y Trallwng is also on the Welshpool Active Travel map but Powys CC have consistently tried to refuse any ownership or liability for it since I have been pushing for collaborative working to restore it for the community since I have been Mayor.

“How many push bikes do you see using Severn Street compared to the footfall over the canal footbridge? I rest my case.”

Powys County Council wants to turn Welshpool into a cycling and walking town and has promised more projects like the much-maligned wide pavement that stretches from the railway station to the bridge on Severn Street.