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14  February

More tickets on sale for Iolo night after initial sell out

10/02/2024 @ 08:53


More tickets have gone on sale this morning following a huge demand to attend a night with Iolo Williams at the Town Hall on February 26.

The initial tickets sold out in minutes following our announcement yesterday that world-renowned wildlife expert Iolo is providing a rare opportunity for the local population to hear him in person talk about his favourite local wildlife.

The evening will be compered by MyWelshpool co-founder David Williams and will also consist of a Q&A session so that those attending will have the opportunity quiz our favourite TV personality.

The initial tickets were just £5, and this second tranche are priced at just £6 with all funds going towards hosting the Urdd Eisteddfod being held near Meifod in May.

“We’ve had an incredible response which goes to show just how popular Iolo is,” said one of the lead orgasnisers, Cllr Alison Davies. “We expect a complete sell-out so don’t hang around as these tickets will go.”

Tickets can be purchased online here, or at the Tourist Information Centre and The Old Bakehouse.