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26  June

Big response to Lib Dem survey

03/09/2014 @ 09:18


Jane Dodds, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Montgomeryshire, says she has received a huge response to a health survey she launched last week.

The Post Office has been delivering them across Montgomeryshire all week, and the candidate said the returns have been coming in thick and fast.

She said: “I have been overwhelmed by the huge response to the survey. The Royal Mail is delivering large bundles of the returned surveys every day to the Newtown Office.

“It really underlines how important the National Health Service is to us here in Montgomeryshire. And how concerned people are about waiting times and possible changes to our hospitals.

“If you have not yet returned your survey there is still time. Just fill it in and put it back into the envelope it arrived in and the postman will do the rest.

“If you have not received one then you can download it from the Montgomeryshire Liberal Democrat website ( or contact the office on 01686 625527.”

The surveys will be analysed and the results used to make representations to the Health Minister and local health providers. The results will be published for residents to see.