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22  March

An offer too good for Welshpool to refuse?

26/09/2024 @ 11:24


A Welshpool businessman wants to help transform Hall Street into the social hub of the town centre with a “no brainer” offer to take over a corner of the Town Hall.

Alan Price, the man behind the Mollies Sweet Shop empire and also owner of the popular Owl & Pussycat, wants to expand his hospitality portfolio by taking over the controversial car park and workshop area of the Town Hall for a new food and drink outlet targeting teenagers. He is willing to pay £18,000 a year rent for the property.

He shared his vision last night with the Town Council in an impressive presentation that he said would further help to transform Hall Street into the café culture location the town is craving.

“We’ve only had the Owl and Pussycat for 16 months but we are very surprised by how popular that street is with people through,” he said.

“It is probably one of the busiest streets in Welshpool. But that corner is a lot of wasted, prime selling space to make the town better. It is a little bit of a free-for-all at the moment for how it is run and maintained. This would be a vast improvement. It would look fantastic.”

His vision was strongly backed by Cllr Billy Spencer who lives close by and said Mr Price had already transformed the area for the better with his pub.

“Since Alan has taken over the Owl, he has painted and looked after the whole area there and it isn’t actually his, but he has made it a better place, especially for us residents who live around there,” said Cllr Spencer.

“This street from the Owl, up to the new pub opening (Pinewood) has the potential to be a really good café culture in Welshpool which we all said we would favour. It is a beautiful part of the building which is underused.

“It’s a no brainer, for me. We all moan that there is not a lot going on for the children or the teenagers in the town and I think this would create more footfall for the market hall. Strike whilst the iron is hot. It will benefit this town enormously.”

Mr Price said he is happy to take on whatever length of contract the council would be happy with, and that the property would be returned back in its original state should the contract cease.

New councillor, Cllr Bill Rowell, added: “This is exactly the sort of pedestrian space we need where people can gather for food and eat together, both for local residents or those who are passing through, so I think it is certainly worth looking at very seriously.”

Councillors warmly received the proposal but several wanted a more cautious approach due to issues including the cost of finding a potential new location for the Town Council’s works team.

It was decided to send the proposal for discussion to the council’s Property & Services Committee before returning back to full council for an in-principal agreement and a working party to liaise with Mr Price to take it forward, should that be their wish.

The area in question hit the headlines last week when the Town Council’s Operations Manager, Paul McGrath, said that it had become a health and safety nightmare with cars blocking Town Hall fire exits.