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26  June

Welshpool could be set for two more elections

31/07/2023 @ 09:53


A pair of resignations on Welshpool Town Council means that Welshpool could go to the polls twice in the next few months.

Last month, Cllr Julie Arnold officially stood down after accepting a new job in Cornwall, leaving a vacancy on the Castle Ward which has been advertised this week.

But at the latest full council meeting, Labour’s Bria de la Mare dropped a bombshell by resigning, citing “health reasons”, to leave two vacancies on a Town Council that only held a by-election earlier this month.

Cllr de la Mare’s vacancy will come on the Llanerchyddol Ward, where Billy Spencer was elected as a new councillor just four weeks ago.

Fellow Labour town councillor, Cllr David France, said that it was “a very sad evening”.

“I feel the absence of Bria‘s knowledge, skills and views will leave a gap in the council that’s impossible to fill,” he said.

The initial notice for a new councillor on the Castle Ward was published last week, and residents have 14 days to decide whether they want an election.

To do so, at least 10 residents must write to the relevant officer at Powys County Council to request one. If less than 10 letters are received, the council has the option to co-opt a new councillor, meaning the decision will be in the hands of the sitting councillors.