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18  October

General Election called: your local candidates

23/05/2024 @ 07:59


It came as somewhat of a surprise, but Prime Minister Rishi Sunak jumped on the back of a drop in inflation rates to call for a General Election to take place on July 4.

What does that mean for us?

Following a rejigging of the election boundaries, a large area south of Wrexham has been lumped in with our traditional area to now become the Montgomeryshire & Glyndwr seat, and six candidates are in the hat, and vying for your vote.


Here at MyTown Media, who run MyWelshpool and MyNewtown, we take pride in being totally neutral when it comes to politics, so our mission is to provide you with the information on who is running (below), and we will offer each candidate 750 words to say why you should vote for them, and this will be run in the days prior to election day.

So, who are our six candidates?

Here you go, the list of six as we announced them in the past few months. Take your time, do your research, and vote!

In no particular order:

Elwyn Vaughan, Plaid Cymru:

Jeremy Brignell-Thorp, Green Party:

Oliver Lewis, Reform UK:

Glyn Preston, Liberal Democrats:  

Steve Witherden, Labour:’s-local-candidate

Craig Williams, Conservatives: