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20  September

National Award for local composer

27/12/2022 @ 06:58

Llandyssil composer Ian Morgan-Williams (pictured) received an exciting early Christmas present from BBC National Orchestra of Wales this month as he was announced as a winner in this year’s national “Composition: Wales” competition. 

BBC National Orchestra of Wales is passionate about supporting and showcasing the work and talent of composers across Wales, who were invited to submit scores for “Composition: Wales” during the autumn.

Ian Morgan-Williams is an award-winning, highly experienced composer and the most eclectic of musicians, who has recently returned home to Wales to dedicate more time to composing. His A Further Obscuration of Roger's Masks was one of eight scores selected for the final Composition: Wales project to take place in the new year. Ian’s score will be workshopped in BBC Hoddinott Hall in Cardiff Bay with Principal Conductor Ryan Bancroft and composition mentors Gavin Higgins and Sarah Lianne Lewis in January.

Ian said: “This is really exciting. Having worked with Ryan and the orchestra last year on my Canzoni d'Amore da Lontano, which was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in August, I know how committed BBC NOW musicians are to this project.

“Their mission to programme works by underrepresented composers, irrespective of age, is admirable and surprisingly rare, and they do this in an entirely supportive and giving environment. I am looking forward to this immensely.”

The workshops are free and open to anyone who would like to attend, and will take place on January 13, 3-8pm; January 24, 11am-4pm; and March 6, 2-9pm. The final concert, during which the eight selected scores will be performed by BBC NOW, will be on March 7, at 7pm.

All Composition: Wales sessions this year will also be livestreamed. To receive the livestream link, sign up at: