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03  March

Council reveals plans for Motte & Bailey restoration

03/06/2017 @ 01:46

Welshpool Town Council plans to complete the second stage of the restoration of the Motte and Bailey site and could receive £100,000 Heritage Lottery Fund cash.

The council has carried out restoration work of the old sheep pens and Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway docks and now wants to complete restoration of the ancient Motte and Bailey Caste, the sheep transfer station and one of the few crown bowling greens in Wales.

Members of the council services committee will be asked on Wednesday to consider a report prepared by Town Clerk Robert Robinson for the £120,000 scheme.

“Due to its location and its historic ancient monument status the site is considered to be one of the most important in the area,” says Mr Robinson in the document.

“Welshpool has much history and this site is an important part of that history. The Town Council is keen on the sustainability of history and indeed owns and looks after many historic buildings.

“The Motte and Bailey Castle together with the old Railway Transfer Station is the next phase of preservation,” he added.

Funding for stage one was gained from section 106 money via the Tesco Scheme on the opposite side of the road along with grant aid from CADW and the Town Council.

Now the council will be asked to approve the second stage which includes refurbishment of the railway docks brickwork, cattle docks, pens and gates, the creation of sculptured sheep and some rolling railway stock.

The scheme would include improvements of the Motte and Bailey Castle walks, the removal of trees, creation of a timber stockade, refurbishment of the Bowling Club building, stonework wall repairs and repairs to the railway hut.

The Town Clerk says he has met with the Heritage Lottery Fund who have confirmed that the scheme would fall within their remit. A figure of approx. £100,000 could be available.

The proposal will be discussed on Wednesday night by the council services committee.