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28  March

Welsh costs of livestock attacks by dogs fall by two-thirds

20/02/2025 @ 10:48


There are encouraging signs that the message is getting through to keep dogs on leads around livestock.

For years we have been reporting on horrific attacks on livestock, but this morning, NFU Mutual, who pay out huge sums in insurance claims, said that the cost of dog attacks on livestock in Wales has fallen by around two-thirds.

They said that farm animals in Wales worth an estimated £314,000 were severely injured or killed in dog attacks in 2024, down 64% on 2023 (£883,000).

It mirrors the UK trend which saw almost £1.8m of livestock injured or killed, down 26% compared to 2023.

Hannah Binns, NFU Mutual’s Rural Affairs Specialist, said: “It is encouraging to see the estimated cost of livestock worrying fall in Wales last year, following NFU Mutual campaigning alongside industry efforts to increase awareness among dog owners.

“But as lambing season gets underway, a time of year when pregnant ewes and newborn lambs are vulnerable, it is important that dog owners do not get complacent.

“Farmers across the UK are living in fear of repeat attacks, which cause horrific suffering to livestock and can traumatise all involved in dealing with the aftermath. Anecdotally, we’ve heard of many incidents where dogs have injured and killed sheep and the owner is powerless to stop it or is nowhere to be seen.

“Ignorance isn’t bliss when it comes to dog attacks on livestock; regardless of size, breed or temperament, all dogs are capable of chasing, injuring and killing farm animals. It is vital dog owners act responsibly and keep their pets on leads wherever livestock may be nearby to prevent these needless attacks.

“It is crucial people accept responsibility for their dog if there is an incident and report it, to a local farmer and the police, so that any injured animals are not left suffering in pain.”

Rob Taylor, the UK Police NPCC lead for livestock attacks and Wales Rural Police Coordinator, said: “The current figures are encouraging, showing that we are heading in the right direction with the fall here in Wales and across the UK, although we have to keep the momentum in raising awareness with dog owners of this problem and remain focused.

“There is no simple solution to resolving these horrendous attacks, but we have put in place several workstreams looking at various areas of concern and with our partner agencies I really believe we are starting to see a difference.”

With many dog owners planning to visit the countryside at a time when sheep and lambs are at their most vulnerable, NFU Mutual is calling for them to:

  • Keep dogs on a lead when walking in rural areas where livestock are kept but let go of the lead if chased by cattle
  • Be aware that all dogs, regardless of size, breed, and temperament, can cause the distress, injury and death of farm animals
  • Report attacks by dogs to the police or local farmers
  • Never let dogs loose unsupervised in gardens near livestock fields – many attacks are caused by dogs which escape and attack sheep grazing nearby