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30  March

King Charles: ‘People still post letters in Welshpool?’

27/03/2025 @ 04:04


As exchanges with royalty go… this was up there with the best of them!

MyWelshpool co-founder David Williams was a guest of His Majesty King Charles III’s last night for a reception at Buckingham Palace recognising the role of local media.

The event was also attended by Her Majesty the Queen with MyTown Media one of 15 Independent Community News Network organisations invited to rub shoulders with industry leaders and media celebrities.

But we managed to secure a special moment with the monarch in an extraordinary private conversation.

David met His Majesty as he departed the grand ballroom and enjoyed a special moment chatting about Welshpool.

“It was a special moment,” said David. “I was passing His Majesty on my way back into the ballroom as he departed and we made eye contact. So, I took the opportunity to thank him for Welshpool being chosen as the first place in Wales to have a special King Charles III post box located.

“He laughed and said, “people still post letters in Welshpool?” before we enjoyed a few more words about the town which he described as a “wonderful place”. He then reached out his hand and gave me a firm handshake before we went our separate ways.”

Last week, Royal Mail installed the first postbox in Wales to bear the cypher of HM King Charles III (right).

The box, located outside Welshpool Delivery Office on Severn Street, was unveiled by children from Welshpool High School and Tony Evans, the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Powys.

A commemorative plaque to record the special status of this historic postbox will be applied to the box.

MyTown Media Ltd, which runs MyWelshpool and MyNewtown is celebrating 15 years in business this year.

TOP PICTURE: MyTown Media Ltd co-founder, David Williams (second from left), with fellow Independent Community News Network colleagues prior to meeting Their Majesties at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday evening.