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12  March

Fed-up Cllr Spencer drops Welshpool bombshell and resigns as Chair of committee

20/02/2025 @ 09:31


One of Welshpool Town Council’s most vociferous councillors has resigned as Chair of a key committee, claiming that it had become “a complete waste of my time and energy”.

Cllr Billy Spencer, who was elected to the council in 2023 and was appointed Staffing Committee chair last year, said that he has had enough of his advice from being a union steward for four years “falling on deaf ears”, and has criticised the council over its handling of the successful Welshpool Haven which is in danger of ceasing operations due to the council’s delay in sorting a long-term lease for the Ann Holloway Day Centre.

The Welshpool Haven provides day services for the elderly from the building, which they rent from the Town Council. But to secure grant funding, they have to show a long-term lease which has been held up for months on end. The Town Council has said at previous meetings that this is due to their solicitors.

Cllr Spencer’s resignation came during last night’s public session at the Extraordinary General Meeting, before it went into private session where press and public were excluded (see yesterday’s story). He will continue as a councillor.

Below is the text of Cllr Spencer’s resignation, and we have asked the Town Council to comment in response:

“Since being elected as chair of staffing last May, I have worked tirelessly in and out of the chamber to try and get Welshpool Town Council and its staff moving forward and operating more peacefully.

Unfortunately, a lot of my time has been wasted and quite frankly thrown back in my face.

I have advised the council where possible as an ex-union steward of four years how it should be operating and what procedures it should be following in the interest of its staff and the council as a whole. However, this has fell on deaf ears and I do think this will end up having a detrimental effect on the council and costing them, but that’s just my personal view.

When I was elected by the public as a representative of this town and a voice for my constituents, I did so because of my love of our town and to help our next generation like my son.

Unfortunately, each staffing meeting has become a battle and even resulted in personal attacks against myself as chair and other members of the committee by certain senior councillors. This is not something I am not prepared to put up with as a volunteer.

Quite frankly, the people of our town deserve better. Public complaints are being ignored, business owner’s complaints are being ignored and these are the people who voted us into these positions.

We are now even ignoring our tenants and their complaints, with one charity waiting well over 12 months for a vital lease for their fantastic service. Yes, I am talking about Welshpool Haven.

The one thing I am proud of as chair is my support of the Haven and being part of the recruitment process of the new Town Clerk. I think he will work well with the council and bring a fresh start to our town with his experience, and I wish him every success.

Which gets me to my point, I shall be standing down as chair of the Staffing Committee with immediate effect as the meetings are a complete waste of my time and energy and I sincerely wish the next chair good luck as he or she will need it.”