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07  October

“We don’t want the Wiggly Path”

07/10/2024 @ 09:06


The future of Welshpool’s Wiggly Path is again in doubt after a veteran councillor said that the Town council does not have the finances to take it on.

The Wiggly Path, that links Red Bank to the town, has faced an uncertain future since developers bought the former Ardwyn School, leaving the path in the hands pf Powys County Council who want rid of it.

Welshpool Town Council has first refusal, but Cllr Phil Pritchard told the Strategy, Policy & Development Committee that he has been told by the Operations manager that their workload is already stretched.

“He has told me that it would take too much work to look after the place and it would drain our resources,” said Cllr Pritchard.

But Cllr Billy Spencer said that it was a popular shortcut to and from town and that a lot of people had indicated to him that the Town Council should secure its future by taking it on.

But Cllr Pritchard replied: “The public want to keep it by all means, but that’s nothing to do with us keeping it.”

Cllr Pritchard also reported back that an enquiry with the local wildlife trust had been met positively with them keen to enhance the area’s biodiversity, but again they would expect the Town Council to take control on maintenance.

The issue will be debated at Full Council with a final decision to be made by all councillors in a vote.