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27  September

Planning Welshpool’s future, with your help

21/08/2024 @ 10:27


Residents in the Welshpool area are invited to share their views on Powys County Council’s Preferred Strategy for the plan that will guide the scale and location of future development.

The Council is currently preparing its new Replacement Local Development Plan, which will cover all of Powys, excluding the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park.

The Plan will set out the Council’s proposals and land-use policies for the future development of land in its area. It covers the 15-year period from 2022 to 2037 and will be used to guide decisions on planning applications once adopted.

The Preferred Strategy proposes a strategic framework to inform the detailed planning policies and land allocations that are made in future steps of the Local Development Plan preparation process.

It identifies the key issues affecting the plan area and proposes how these can be addressed by a vision, objectives and broad strategic policies. The consultation covers the proposed scale of future housing and employment growth and a spatial strategy for development in Powys, excluding the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park.

Consultation on the Preferred Strategy is taking place until Monday, October 7.

Views are also being invited on the candidate sites listed in the Candidate Sites Register which were submitted during the Call for Candidate Sites in 2022.

Cllr Jake Berriman, Cabinet Member for a Connected Powys, said: “The Replacement Local Development Plan will be a key document that will guide the scale and location of future development in the county.

“The Preferred Strategy does not include all detailed policies that will be in the final document, but it sets out a broad and strategic direction that is proposed for the Replacement Local Development Plan.

“Residents now have an opportunity to view details as part of this consultation and I urge all interested parties to look at these documents and submit their views.

“We want to engage with as many residents, businesses and developers as possible throughout this process, to gain a wide range of views that will inform the Replacement LDP.”

To take part in the consultation, click 

Alternatively, the main consultation documents are also available to inspect in person at libraries in Llanfyllin, Llanidloes, Newtown, and Welshpool.

Further information can be requested by email