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28  June

Town Hall renovation “never going to happen”

07/06/2024 @ 09:08


Plans to transform Welshpool Town Hall into a building ‘fit for the 21st Century have reached the crucial stage of funding, with councillors voicing concerns that this is where the ambitious project could fall.

At this week's Strategy, Policy and Development Committee meeting, Town Mayor Phil Owen reported back from the recent drop-in event that revealed the plans for the first time to the public.

He said that the opportunity “was not hugely well attended throughout the day” but added that there was plenty of debate and comments made.

“It was useful,” he told fellow councillors.

But with the proposal and planning phases now complete, the project, which could cost millions, heads into the crucial phase of budgeting and funding.

This prompted Cllr Billy Spencer to say: “It all looks amazing and brilliant, but it’s never going to happen. We can’t afford to (do it)."

Newly appointed committee chair, Cllr Phil Pritchard, added: “I have the same concern, but that remains to be seen for the future. At least we have got the plan. At the end of the day, remember, full council could just throw it out. It’s as simple as that.”

Cllr Richard Church explained that the Town Council, and Welshpool tax payers, would not be responsible for funding the project, admitting: “Billy is right – we can’t afford it but it won’t be us that will pay for it.

“It could be a National Lottery grant, or grants from the Government as funding for old building renovations has been done all over the country, funded by heritage lottery grants and by other means.

“There are all kinds of options. We have a proposal and a plan, now we move to the next stage which is to get the funding. No way it is something the council can afford ourselves (to do).”

Cllr Spencer welcomed the update and added: “I hope and pray that we find the funding for it. I wasn’t made aware of the funding options, so happy to see where this takes us.”

The iconic 19th century building has been haemorrhaging Welshpool tax payer money for years, and the increased energy prices pushed its running costs even higher over the past three years.

But the project would cost millions, with an estimate done pre-Covid of carrying out work believed to have been in excess of £3 million back then. More recently, figures over £4 million have been mentioned in the council chamber.