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06  July

Montgomeryshire urged to ‘go wild for 30 days’

04/06/2024 @ 12:14


Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust are urging the public to nurture nature this June to celebrate the 10th birthday of30 Days Wild.

The month-long nature challenge to do something wild every single day in June is backed by Dermot O’Leary and Dr Amir Khan. Since 2015, over three million people have taken part including over 20,000 schools, 1,500 care homes and almost 2,000 businesses.

To mark the special birthday, The Wildlife Trusts have published a review of the history, highlights and impact of the challenge.

The 30 Days Wild Effect: Ten years of noticing nature and changing lives explores how people’s lives have been enhanced by the challenge, while underlining the importance of improving our relationship with nature. People in the UK have one of the lowest levels of nature connection in Europe, while the UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries on the planet.

Research by the University of Derby revealed that 30 Days Wild improves nature connectedness and inspires pro-nature behaviour. This is defined by actions that directly benefit wildlife, such as planting pollinator-friendly plants, volunteering with nature organisations or getting involved in a community growing project.

Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust wants to inspire a wave of local action to nurture nature this June, at home, in the workplace and in communities. Suggested actions include:

  • Creating a wild patch or mini meadow with native plants
  • Doing a litter pick or beach clean
  • Reducing food waste by creating compost at home

Thirzah McSherry, Director of Development at The Wildlife Trusts, said:

“Every single thing we do to nurture nature directly benefits people too. Helping nature to recover is about restoring our relationship with the natural world and this also makes us feel better. Let your lawn grow long for grasshoppers, take time to notice birdsong in the park, or join a community growing project – the possibilities are endless. The success of 30 Days Wild proves that we have so much to gain from finding joy in helping nature – it’s all about taking that first step.

30 Days Wild is a fun and inclusive idea that can be interpreted in an infinite variety of ways. As part of celebrating its tenth birthday, we want to get a many people as possible planting, growing, volunteering and campaigning for wildlife in their communities.

Dermot O’Leary, TV presenter, author of Wings of Glory, and 30 Days Wild champion, said:

“I’m a huge bird nerd – whether it’s watching the blue tits on my bird feeder, or witnessing the magic of peregrine falcons hunting, I am fascinated by our incredible UK wildlife. This June, join me and The Wildlife Trusts in the 30 Days Wildchallenge. Try doing one thing ‘wild’ every day for the whole month and see how great it makes you feel! I just know that this would be top of the commands from the Royal Bird Force!”

30 Days Wild has grown from 12,000 participants in its first year, to over half a million consecutively for the last three years. The 30 Days Wild Effect reveals that people’s favourite activities over the last 10 years included listening to birds and planting wildflowers.

Free activity packs provide fun ideas for ways to connect with and help nature, no matter where you live. Register at

30 Days Wild is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, with funds awarded to The Wildlife Trusts through Postcode Planet Trust.

Read The 30 Days Wild Effect: Ten years of noticing nature and changing lives here.