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25  March

MyWelshpool readers give resounding ‘No!’ to tip booking scheme

19/03/2025 @ 09:34


It wasn’t exactly a professional ‘Gallup’ poll, but our social media ‘test-the-water’ poll asking readers whether they are in favour of Powys County Council’s new tip booking scheme sends a very clear message to County Hall.

Following Council Leader, Cllr James Gibson-Watt’s claim that the silent majority would be in support of the new scheme, we asked our readers on Facebook: “Simply comment ‘YES’ below if you are IN FAVOUR of the new tip booking system and charges, or ‘NO’ if you are AGAINST....”

We have never known a response like it. In less than 24 hours, we had 978 comments and as far as we can tell (and they took some getting through!) we couldn’t find a single ‘YES’.

One reader even mocked Powys by writing: “Looks like the Council are right? The silent majority who think this is a fantastic idea are remaining silent!”

Some commented that they agree identification should be shown to prove that those using the facility are from the area, but it is clear that this is one of the most unpopular decisions we have ever seen from the county council.

Rival political parties have been trying to convince the leadership to stop the implementation, and a similar system in Shropshire was binned after a few weeks after the council there listened to the residents.

But, nevertheless, Powys County Council still seems intent on its introduction which will mean 10-minute slots will have to be booked online to dump rubbish from April 1. Sopme items such as DIY waste will be charged.

We’ll drop Powys County Council a line today to see if the latest response from our readers will force a rethink, and let you know the response.