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12  March

Village outrage over “horrendous” Nazi graffiti

17/12/2024 @ 05:31



Guilsfield’s county councillor has declared that “this needs to end quickly” after a spate of unsavoury incidents that have culminated in disgusting Nazi graffiti being sprayed under a public bridge.

It follows reports that a meeting in the Old School was recently disrupted by gate-crashing youths who shouted obscenities to “terrorised” members.

This has led to the facility installing CCTV following an increase in anti-social behaviour at the community hub.

The red sprayed graffiti appeared over the past few days and includes the n-word and a Nazi swastika.

The village has come out in outrage with Cllr Ian Harrison, saying: “We’ve recently been suffering from a spate of anti-social behaviour across the village, with youngsters being abusive to a meeting in the Old School and also abusive to an elderly lady late at night, and now horrendous graffiti painted below a bridge.

 “It’s like a kick in the teeth to all of our community volunteers who strive to make Guilsfield a better place to live. This needs to end quickly.”