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15  October

Kelly’s on a mission to transform Welshpool!

14/10/2024 @ 10:17


Comments made by family visitors to Welshpool about the state of the town has inspired one local woman to make it a mission to spruce it up into a sparkling welcome to Wales.

Kelly Meredith moved to the town in 2010, but it was comments made during a recent visit from family that made her roll up her sleeves and launch a remarkable solo project that is already making a tremendous difference.

“I have always possessed a passion for cleaning and organisation,” Kelly told us. “But, recently, family visited and their opinions were that Welshpool has such potential to attract tourism but sadly the aura is depressing due to the untidiness and bland colours, such as the benches.”

It sparked her into immediate action, launching a crusade on tidying up the town with 11 public sites already covered from removing graffiti at the playground and cleaning road signs to weeding a number of public spots.

When asked what was next, Kelly (pictured), who unsuccessfully ran for Town Council this summer, unravelled a list of 26 projects currently on her hitlist!

She also wants to install a bench at St. Mary’s War Memorial so “people can come and pay respects” and also has the idea of creating a waterproof booklet of biographies of those listed on the memorial.

Kelly strongly believes that Welshpool can become a tourism powerhouse and wants to work with businesses and event organisers to help promote them to visitors.

“I do not belong to any council or organisation, and I do all this voluntary,” she said.

“I use my own funds to purchase items but it would be amazing if others/businesses would like to contribute. I’m on the hunt for benches, paint, plants, rocks, statues, picnic tables, glass cleaner, salt, paving bricks and so on.

“And if anyone wants to assist with weeding, planting, painting then contact me at my Facebook page.”

Incredibly, Kelly does all this despite being a busy working professional with her own live appearance agency that books celebrities for events all over the world including comic cons, stores, libraries and schools. For 2024, she has provided talent to nearly 75 events. 

She has also worked as a behind the scenes freelancer for films and TV series since 2009.

But what’s the end game for Kelly? She says she is in it for the long term.

“I want to inspire others to help in improving our town by tidying up and maintaining cleanliness,” she said.

“I want to increase our tourism and businesses foot traffic. We need to not only focus on the physical aspects but the virtual ones as well. Businesses and events need to be virtually listed so those who live outside of Welshpool know about them!”

If you want to get involved, contact Kelly through her Facebook page - Kelly Meredith - Welshpool

Look what Kelly has done to date!

Weeded pavement along the High Street bridge (pictured)

Cleaned Morrisons crosswalk

Removed graffiti on playground - Burgess Road

Cleaned crosswalk by Medical Centre

Cleaned large crosswalk as you go to Tesco

Weeded petrol station brick wall

Bakehouse/PureBeauty crosswalk (pictured above)

Weeded stone wall by the old morgue

Weeded/pruned stone wall across from PureBeauty

Cleaned Severn Farm Industrial road sign

Cleaned Hafen Dreg sign

This is the list of projects Kelly has planned

Cleaning Erw Wen's crosswalk by High School

Fixing the Numark/NFU Mutual planters

Redoing the High Street benches, rubbish bins

Cleaning Tesco's Roundabout

Cleaning Poundland toilet pavement

Redoing the Bench corner at PureBeauty

Cleaning the St Mary’s bus stop

Weeding the Sainsbury's pavement

Weeding stone walls leading to Bron-y-Buckley

Redoing Oldford Estate corner (bench, chains)

Cemetery cleaning at The Croft

Cemetery cleaning at Christ Church

Weeding Union Street by kebab shop

Making Fire Station wntrance sign visible again

Cleaning ALDI's crosswalk

Weed Red Bank pavement

Paint fence at Potters Bridge

Weed back of Poundland

Clean and paint at Powis Car Park 

Weeding Funeral Director's Car Park

Weeding footpath by council building

Cutting hedge top so you can see the Police Station sign

Redoing High Street pillars

Fixing the fence at Football Club playground

Removing graffiti off the canal lock brick wall

Weeding Medical Centre yellow bench area