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06  July

Tom’s backbreaking bid for summit!

01/07/2024 @ 09:58


We’ve covered some incredible charity fundraising feats over our 15 years of MyWelshpool, but this one has made our backs ache by simply writing about it!

Welshpool man Tom Dyos has completed the incredible challenge of reaching the top of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) by carrying his friend, Tim Davies from Forden, on his back!

Tom is part of a collective effort by Get Up and Give Back, a group of property entrepreneurs raising money for five cancer charities, and his effort has helped to boost the total to date beyond £135,000.

The gruelling six-hour hike was completed in challenging weather conditions on Saturday, but he made it and this challenge alone has so far raised nearly £1,000. Only a month earlier in May, Tom completed the Three Peaks Challenge for the charity.

If you would like to donate in recognition of Tom’s unbelievable effort, please click here.

PICTURES: Tom and Tim midway through the gruelling challenge, and finally reaching the top with Tom (holding flag left) and Tim (holding flag on right).