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18  September

Sheep killed in latest dog attack

14/09/2024 @ 08:06


Welshpool police are reminding dog owners to keep their pets on a lead whilst walking near livestock in the countryside after another dog attack resulted in a sheep being killed.

The gruesome discovery was made in a field near Meifod this week, with two other sheep also being injured.

“The incident happened sometime between September 9 (10pm) and September 10 (10am) when three ewes were attacked, resulting in one being killed and two being injured,” said a spokesperson from the rural crime team.

“Livestock worrying is a criminal offence and comes under the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953.

“This isn’t just a threat to a farmer or land owner’s livelihood, it’s also a dangerous situation for the animals involved, and could lead to more risk if the animals get onto the road.

“Always keep your dog under control around other animals and if you see a dog on the loose worrying animals, report it to us.”

You can contact the police through:, direct message on social media or 101. Quote the reference: 24000785899.

Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555111, or visiting