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15  January

“Pig’s ear” tourist centre saga has been “a disgrace”

09/09/2024 @ 09:48


Councillors are taking action following the long-running Tourist Information Centre renovation saga that was branded as “a disgrace” this week.

Work to transform the centre into a multi-purpose facility that also houses the Town Council headquarters has dragged on far beyond its original timeline, with the budget exploding to nearly £300,000, despite original estimates thought to be just over £100,000.

It has become a thorn in the council’s side, and has led to calls for a special committee to scrutinise and manage projects in the future, including the ongoing skatepark issue.

That proposal was made by Cllr Nick Howells who successfully took on the project to rebuild the canal bridge close to Morrisons after it was faced with closure this summer.

He said at the latest Town Council Strategy, Policy and Development Committee: “It would be good as a town council if we had a project management team that would consist of people with the relevant experience, chaired by the Mayor and consisting of the chairs of committees, the operations manager and the Town Clerk.

“It would really scrutinise the projects we are doing and to get a grip on them, because this TIC (Tourist information Centre) thing has been an absolute embarrassment and a pig’s ear of a project which has had a huge reputational smash and financial smash on this Town Council.”

Committee Chair, Cllr Phil Pritchard added his scathing comments on the TIC farce, adding: “Quite honestly, what’s happened is a disgrace and I can only say we have got to get our heads together and get things moving.”

The scrutiny committee suggestion was backed unanimously and will be put to full council for approval.