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07  March

Mike’s Home Office settlement over ‘illegal immigrants’ costs

28/08/2024 @ 11:26


The Welshpool businessman who was threatened with a £3,000 fine after discovering two illegal immigrants in his campervan on a cross-channel ferry has settled out of court with the Home Office for his expenses.

Mike Vaughan was stunned to find his campervan toilet had been used during the trip from France to Southampton, and on further investigation he found two men hidden in the back after they had broken in by smashing a small window.

He immediately alerted ferry officials, and then gave statements to immigration on arrival to England, but was then told to cough up a £3,000 fine by the Home Office several weeks later.

He fought, and won, the case to clear his name, and he took it one step further by taking the Home Office to court for his costs.

“We were due to go to court on Friday, but this morning I have accepted their offer which I am more than happy with,” said Mike, who said he wanted his case highlighted as a warning to other people caught in the same situation.

“It’s completely wrong and I wonder how many people have just paid up out of fear. I dread to think how much this has cost the Home Office as well. When I said I would take them to court they told me I would be liable for their costs if I lost which would be thousands of pounds. Sadly, it is the tax payer that ultimately has to foot the bill.”

The timing of the settlement couldn’t be better with Mike planning another European jaunt from Monday to France, Spain and Portugal.

“I will be double checking everything from now on,” he said. “But there is nothing more I could have done to stop them getting in the last time as they broke their way in through a small window. Somehow, they had got on the ferry in the first place. I thought I was doing the right thing reporting them immediately, but they felt I should be punished.”

Mike said he would be happy to share his experience with anyone else impacted in the same way in future.