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04  January

Just Giving page for tractor run

14/12/2022 @ 11:17


For those who were unable to donate to Sunday’s magnificent illuminated tractor run on Sunday evening, a Just Giving page has been set up.

It is hoped that the event, which attracted 210 tractors and drew thousands of people out of their houses on a bitterly cold evening to watch, will raise vital funds for the Addington Fund, a charity that provides support to the farming community.

As the pounds were being counted this morning, lead organiser Jenny Clarke said that she had been contacted by many people who wanted to contribute but either had no money on them Sunday or didn’t see a collecting box.

“It was an incredible day/night and we are still on a high from it!” she said.

To donate, you can click here.

To watch MyWelshpoolTV’s report, click here.

PICTURE: Phil Blagg