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22  October

Charity donation helps Restore the Montgomery Canal!

08/07/2024 @ 10:46


The Restore the Montgomery Canal! have received a further charity donation for restoration of the Montgomery Canal.

The donation is from the Weeping Cross Fund set up by in the will of David Tomlinson, a pioneer of the movement to restore neglected waterways.

Michael Limbrey, Chair of the Restore the Montgomery Canal! group of canal charities, said: “Today we know that a reopened canal brings benefits for recreation and well-being, conservation and the visitor economy. Sixty years ago, pioneers of waterway restoration campaigned to restore neglected canals, many now a valued amenity for their local community. David Tomlinson was one of those pioneers, organising volunteers clearing and restoring the Stourbridge Sixteen Locks in the West Midlands and supporting many other canal revivals across the country.

“We are very grateful to the trustees of David’s charity for their support for the Montgomery Canal. We shall aim to use the gift to provide match funding for other grants, tripling the value: this way each £100 we receive enables us to receive £200 in grants and, with our work parties volunteering their labour, that enables us to pay for materials and equipment hire which has a cost of £300.

“Our recent celebration of the rebuilding of Schoolhouse Bridge in Crickheath, the newest bridge on the canal, highlighted the extent of support from other charitable trusts following an earlier gift of £25,000 from a family company which was so impressed by what our volunteers are doing for the local community.

“We would be delighted to speak to anyone who sees the value of what our volunteers are doing and would like to support this community project in the same way.

Mr Limbrey pointed out that plans for the canal include safeguarding its ecology and its built heritage, and opening up the towpath as an amenity for residents and visitors.

Donations can be made through