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22  October

Town Council adopts whistleblowing policy

07/06/2024 @ 09:03


A new whistleblowing policy has been adopted by Welshpool Town Council which will protect anyone, particularly employees, making complaints about the local authority.

The new five-page policy was unanimously voted in at this week’s Strategy, Policy and Development Committee meeting.

It has been under debate for several meetings but it will finally come into practice once ratified at full council later in the month.

According to the policy, Welshpool Town Council (WTC) aims to “provide a safe and effective working environment, which enables individuals to raise genuine concerns about malpractice or unlawful conduct in the workplace. This policy is intended to empower employees to disclose serious wrongdoing or unlawful conduct without fear of victimisation.”

The policy says that employees will not lose their jobs for making a complaint and “all disclosures under this Policy will be treated confidentially and sensitively and the identity of the person making the disclosure will be kept confidential provided that this is compatible with an effective investigation”.

It goes on to say that it is intended to:

  • promote a culture of openness to protect the ethical reputation of the WTC
  • provide safeguards to enable individuals to raise genuine concerns about malpractice in confidence and without fear of repercussions;
  • ensure that all individuals working for the LGA organisation have a clear and effective means of raising concerns and may be accompanied by his/her Trade Union representative or work colleague of his/her choice;
  • ensure that individuals who raise concerns receive feedback on any action taken.