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26  June

X-ray services in Welshpool extended

24/01/2012 @ 01:12


Patients needing to have an X-ray in Welshpool can now benefit from longer opening hours at the X-ray department at Victoria Memorial Hospital, Welshpool.
The news brings welcome relief to the overworked department which has often been forced to switch patients to other hospitals. The new opening hours will be 8.30am-6pm Monday to Friday with further consultation on-going to identify if there is also a need for weekend slots.
A spokesperson for Powys Teaching Health Board said: “Feedback from patients identified that many wished to access the X-ray department at a time that suited them and therefore we have extended the opening hours. The Department will be working alongside the Minor Injuries Department in Welshpool.”
The X-ray department (pictured) in Welshpool benefits from a digital link with Wrexham and Shrewsbury and Telford hospitals which allows patients to have their X-rays checked by a specialist consultant Radiologist quickly and easily without the need to travel long distances.